Tuesday, 26 February 2013

It was such a treat to share our stand with a few friends :-)

Nana makes quirky 'Zuma' aprons and  kids' styles too!

You can see more of Michelle's beautiful jewellery on her blog!

Monday, 25 February 2013

Our First Stall at DGHS Mom's and Daughters day!

Kerryn  (a long-standing friend since pre-school) and I have been chatting for a while about potentially starting our own cookie business, so a school market seemed like the perfect reason to finally put our ideas into action....

Kerryn's beautifully painted silhouettes on consol jars currently range from birds to africa and the classic victorian iconic woman...

 some of the baby chic jars and dip jars are:
one cup coffee chinos, almond icing, cinnamon sugar, nutmeg, mix spice,
100s &1000s, chocolate vermicelli

I'm quite proud of the gluten-free recipes I've developed for my dad 
(Saturday showcased banana chip- crunchies as well as a cranberry variation)

I was also delighted that my hummus recipe was a hit
- it's quite reassuring when your inventions are a sell out :-)

Kerryn and I are also making our favourite 
American choc-chip recipe mix in a jar,
as well as her gran's deliciously famous crunchies 
(a firm favourite at family gatherings, girls teas and kruger holidays)

Some of the extra ceramic hearts and birds that I've been making as part of my packaging obsessions!

I shall also have to restock my vintage muffin tray collection
- they certainly are baker's clean-up dream :-)

Why I love baking and presents and all things nice

I fell in love with the aesthetics of gifts from the moment my mom first sung  "brown paper packages tied up with string, these are few of my favourite things, ".  Ironically my interest in cooking began with making mud cakes in Kerryn's garden, although it was few years before I learnt to not burn things.  The courage to  experiment was inspired by my little brother's natural flair for taste sensations. However,  my gluten-free range really took off when my dad temporarily banned me from baking- he said it was to force me focus on my studies, but I figured he was just jealous he could never eat any of the goodies, so I pulled  the sneaky 'These are just for you' move and practised all my other recipes when the rest of the house was sound asleep.  I have since completed my art degree and the wheat-free, gluten-free, sugar-free rusks that my dad now receives are an extended 'thank-you for my wedding and for all the other reasons you are the best dad in the world'.  You see to me cooking is more than the delight of producing a tasty dish, its about the people I share it with- my family, the unexpected midnight visitor, the bustling school kids and a gorgeous husband. The Israelis have a wonderful tradition that says meals are shared between friends not enemies.  Its a motto I'd like to adopt for life! So cookies and gifts are a just a small way through which I begin a conversation with a close companion or a world of strangers that I'd like to class as friends.